How to Turn Your Podcast into a Book | Jody Maberry & Kent Sanders

Jan 11, 2024

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If you’re a podcaster who has dreamed of having your own book, you’ll love today’s episode!

Last Fall, my good friend Jody Maberry and I co-led a webinar called “Podcast to Published.” The goal of the webinar was to test-drive some material we may later use to help podcasters use their podcast material as the basis for a book.

I’ve been podcasting since 2013, and I’m a huge fan of repurposing your podcast content into books.

Let me tell you a bit about Jody. He’s a former Park Ranger who is now a sought-after podcast producer, speaker, and consultant. He’s been featured in Inc., Entrepreneur, The Business Journals, at Podcast Movement, and many other places.

Jody works closely with business leaders such as David Hancock, Lee Cockerell, Dan Cockerell, and others to bring their podcasts to life. In addition, he hosts three of his own podcasts: The Jody Maberry Show, The Park Leaders Show (for Park Rangers), and In the Front Row, a show he created for his son.

Jody is not only one of the most brilliant minds in podcasting, but a kind and generous human being as well. I encourage you to check out Jody’s site at to find out more.

In this webinar, you’ll learn all about the benefits of turning your podcast into a book, including what kind of book you should write based on your podcast, how to outline a great nonfiction book, and the steps to move from podcast to published book.