Becky Bayne on Book Marketing for Introverts

After two years of leading the Daily Writer Club, as well as having thousands of conversations with authors in recent years, I can tell you with 100% certainty that one of the biggest pain points for writers is book marketing.

We love to create. We love to talk to other writers. We might even enjoy the publishing process. But the vast majority of writers struggle with marketing their books. That’s why I’m excited to bring you this conversation about book marketing, specifically for introverted writers who have anxiety around this topic.

Becky Bayne is an international book designer, a published illustrator, and a seasoned entrepreneur. She loves brainstorming with her clients about the options available for their book, offering a less stressful design and self-publishing experience. She specializes in designing books for authors of nonfiction, business, leadership, and inspiration.

In this conversation, Becky and I talk about the reasons book marketing stresses out introverts and what kinds of marketing can work well for introverted authors.

Becky has also very kindly put together an amazing page of resources on book marketing for introverts. You can grab it here.

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