Email Marketing Master Liz Wilcox on Growing a Successful Membership

As you’re well aware, there are basically two sides to being a writer. There’s the creative side, which allows us to tell stories and communicate in a way that connects. Then there is the business side, which enables us to create sustainable income in many different ways.

Most of us gravitate toward the creative side of writing and struggle with the business side. It doesn’t come as naturally to us. That’s why I’m excited to feature this interview with Liz Wilcox.

Liz is the mastermind behind the wildly successful Email Marketing Membership, a simple $9 per month subscription that helps you improve your email marketing through templates. In our conversation, we dive into the story of how she created a business with 3,500 members and moved away from doing client work so she could focus on serving her students and growing her membership.

Liz is going to inspire and motivate you to start putting more time into creating your own content and moving toward building a business that fits your lifestyle and personality! She also happens to have the most fun website I’ve seen in a long time.

You can check out Liz’s Email Marketing Membership at and grab her free email swipe files, which include templates for an email welcome sequence and more!

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