How to Create Multiple Streams of Income with John Stange

Most of us become interested in writing because we want to impact people's lives with our words. Which is possible! But there are other ways writing can also benefit your life.

One of those ways is by making income with your writing. And not just selling books, but by developing multiple streams of income related to your writing. 

I've asked my good friend John Stange to come on the show and teach us how he has done exactly this. John is the Lead Pastor of Core Creek Community Church in Langhorne, Pennsylvania. He hosts three podcasts: "The Chapter-A-Day Audio Bible," Daily Devotions with Pastor John," and Dwell on These Things. 

John has written over twenty books, all of which are focused on spiritual growth, leadership, marriage, and practical aspects of following Jesus. He also has a book coming out in May called Dwell on These Things. The book is a 31-day challenge to help you replace unhealthy messages you preach to yourself with Gospel-centered truth. I encourage you to check it out at 

In this conversation, John goes into a lot of detail about his various income streams and how they are related. This is a fascinating conversation that will help you think bigger and give you great ideas for developing your own income streams.

I encourage you to pre-order your copy of Dwell on These Things. You can find links to John's podcasts and his other books at, and you can connect with John on  Facebook.


Dwell on These Things by John Stange

Connect with John on Facebook


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